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Economics, investing, current events, sociology, psychology, philosophy…all of these interest me. I am an addict of Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul, Mad Men, Walking Dead, The History Channel, Science Channel, National Geographic,  Business News, and The Big Bang on TV. I chuckle anytime someone tells me that TV is a vast intellectual wasteland.

In 2014-5, I have enjoyed Tragedy & Hope,  (Quigley), The Civil War in Kansas,  (Bisel),  The Corsican Caper, (Mayle), Winter of the World, (Ken Follet), Killing Patton (O’Reilly).   I was disappointed with Follet’s ending of …Winter… way to predictable and I was surprised how he hurried the conclusion. I enjoyed reading The Old man Who Couldn’t Read to my grandson’s kindergarten class. In 2013, I  completed a series of courses from the American College and earned another rag to hang on my office wall…Retirement Income Income Professional. Whoopee!

I am currently reading The Great Debate (Levin) and The Great Divide (Fleming) in an effort to better understand the origin of the now-often violent discussions between Conservatives and Liberals (Progressives). It is enlightening and I am learning that most of us struggle to understand how we could agree with EITHER side on a myriad of issues, yet staunchly affirm publicly that we are one or the other.

2015 continues a seemingly never-ending equity rally on Wall Street, accompanied by the Fed’s Quantitative Easing Policies, unbelievably low oil prices and a surprising surge in the US Dollar. Some predict doom, others boom…most probable is some sort of regression to the mean. Diversification and/or clever trading skills are desired companions in these volatile times.

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